Jordan's Rating: PG-13
Jordan's Quality Grade: B
Runtime: 90 min.
Who's Who?
Noteworthy Cast:
Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, Forest Whitaker, Sigourny Weaver
Pete Travis
Barry Levy
An Original Film Production
Alright Ladies and Gents, this flick has many qualities, some good, some not so much. From the very beginning, this show has your heart and mind racing. Upon leaving the theatre after taking in this show, I felt like I had just run a marathon. There is no down time in this film, so if you have a heart condition, or are prone to getting up mid-film to heed the call of nature, this film is not for you. When it comes to action packed, this movie epitomizes the phrase, though this is not necessarily a good thing. The fast moving plot allows very little time for thinking and piecing together, which is integral to the story itself. You have to pay very close attention and be able to think fast if you want to stay a step ahead of the action. The film is also rife with current events, complete with international summits, anti-American sentiments, and suicide bombers. If you are like me, and enjoy getting away from the day to day events when taking in a flick, this is also a strike against the film. I half expected as much when I decided to see the movie, so I really have only myself to blame. Nevertheless, I had hoped it would not be quite as reflective of the current times as it was. On the opposite side of the coin, the acting is high grade in this movie, and the cast was very well selected. Dennis Quaid, despite having very little actual dialogue (Something like 26 lines?) delivered superbly. Matthew Fox did well also, but the character was not much of a stretch for him. If you are a follower of his hit television show, "Lost", you will see a lot of Dr. Jack shining th

The writing and plot are above average, though not entirely outstanding. For keeping you thinking it does very well, but as far as originality goes, it could have done better. All and all, I would say that Vantage Point is worth seeing, though perhaps in the comfort of your living room in your pj's as opposed to in the theatre. It is worthy of a B grade review from me, though I doubt will be taking any Oscars this year.
1 comment:
Well you know, I might just stop by the theatre, in my pj's, and have a great time! But probably not.
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